Boosting your immune system amid coronavirus fears

SLEEP A sleep-deprived immune system will have more trouble fighting off a virus. EXERCISE Physical activity can help flush out bacteria from your lungs, reducing your chance of getting a cold or flu. HEALTHY DIET Fruits and vegetables packed with antioxidants can help your immune system. WASH YOUR HANDS This remains the simplest and best way to protect yourself from the virus. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued great tips on how and when to wash your hands. There is also great tips on when to use hand sanitizer. Be sure that it contains 60% alcohol, the CDC said. AVOID EXCESSIVE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Research shows, heavy drinkers recover from infections more slowly. SUPPLEMENTS Vitamins such as D and C produce antimicrobial proteins that kill viruses and bacteria. #Coronavirus #Supplements #healthy diet #sleep #exercise #wash your hands
